The 50th Anniversary of Festival in the Park could not have been better--wonderful weather, new and repeated customers, funnel cakes and corn dogs. I mean, does it REALLY get any better?!?
My father helped me with the grueling setup all day Thursday. This involves erecting a 10ft x 10ft wall under a tent. We had a few (maybe more than a few) road blocks and hiccups along the way but nothing a skill saw couldn't fix! We (my dad) even made the Charlotte Observer! http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/09/18/5183842/festival-in-the-park-50th-celebration.html
(I swear, I was behind the wall, drilling, hammering, and bolting it into place. He's really just standing there, supporting it!)
I had a little scare with a scattered thunderstorm Thursday evening. I realize weather is a chance we all take as vendors at outdoor festivals but I have had my entire booth destroyed--all the art work, time and money invested, all gone. But I've learned from experience, and the tent was secured, my artwork was protected, and I was show-ready by Friday afternoon.
But the biggest, most flattering news is that I won a blue ribbon for 2 Dimensional Design!! Wow! I could not have been happier when the judges came to my booth Saturday afternoon and awarded me with the honor. I even got a cash prize!
I showcased a few new products of which the little onesies and tiny tees were a huge hit. I sold all but 3 onesies, and sold out of my stationery and dish towels completely. The booth looked really lively and colorful and was well received by the crowds.
So, thank you to everyone who came out and supported me and all the other incredibly talented vendors. I can't begin to tell you how much your support and enthusiasm means to me. And a HUGE thank you to all the hard working festival folks who volunteered their time, helped me watch my booth, and made this year's Festival in the Park a memorable, successful event. I look forward to next year.
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